If you are contemplating a geo system we can develop a new advanced design for your project. New design concepts are data logged and improved frequently.

If you already have proposals in for your project we can review your design proposals and give an independent 3rd party evaluation of the merits of the designs, including suggesting areas where further details should be provided in a proposal to protect your investment.


A design review is invaluable to deliver the best performing and most cost-effective system to your client. Many contractors are new to geo and need design assistance. If you can consistently deliver high performance geo systems then your reputation and prosperity will grow.


A design review is very useful as most commercial project designs have flaws. Usually the consulting engineers have junior engineers or EITs (engineers in training) do the design and they generally have very little or no experience in geoexchange.

Virtually every set of drawings that came across the desk of the Geo Guy has had design flaws. These are mostly caused by the inexperience of the designer and the lack of feedback to the engineering firm. Usually when a geo system has a problem, the contractor is called to repair it and not the engineer and therefore the engineer seldom gets feedback on the functionality of the design.

A recent set of plans specified a lake loop with 1200-foot-long loops when in practice the heat exchange would be complete after 600 feet. The extra 600 feet would only result in wasted pipe, extra pressure drop requiring bigger pumps and an inefficient system. The probable explanation for this design flaw is that this firm has likely never data-logged lake loops or they would have known better.

The value of follow-ups on geo systems to assess their performance over time is the most important component of developing better geo systems that the engineering community seldom gets to do. Read about all Geothermal Services in Vancouver